Beirút, Beyrut, Beyrouth, Beyrout
Collective Exhibition
8.2.2019 — 31.3.2019

8.2.2019 — 31.3.2019
Marianne Hultman
Ýrr Jónasdóttir
Birta Guðjónsdóttir
Anna Yates
Education and Events
Ragnheiður Vignisdóttir
In collaboration with

In recent years, the art world as a whole has developed a fascination for the Beirut art scene. This is due in part to the sheer concentration of talent, but also to the seduction of a scene that is multi-generational, supportive, enthusiastic, generous, expansive and truly international. Many of the artists are multilingual and possess double citizenships. The art scene is experienced as – at least from the outside – an inclusive one.
The title points to the cultural diversity that Lebanon, and the Middle East as a whole, represent – marked by long traditions of being a multicultural and multilingual region. The city has undergone many wars during the 20th century, and the material destruction has been immense, both historically and contemporaneously. Even still, Beirut has risen on its own ruins and reshaped itself. Open wounds still exist in Beirut; stories that are left in the dark, memories that are lost or at risk of being forgotten. The political situation is unstable and there are constant ongoing conflicts in and with neighbouring countries. All of his has an effect on the formation and mentality of the city, just like the creativity, words and dreams of its inhabitants enriches it.
The exhibition highlights and queries a socio-politically complex society.
The exhibition includes work by: Mounira Al Solh, Monira Al Qadiri, Ziad Antar, Ali Cherri, Ahmad Ghossein, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Lamia Joreige, Mazen Kerbaj, Stéphanie Saadé, Lucien Samaha, Helle Siljeholm, Suha Traboulsi, Raed Yassin and Akram Zaatari