
Prentverk – heillandi heimur!

Listasafn Íslands stendur fyrir pallborðsumræðum um grafík og prent. Meðal þátttakenda verða sýningarstjórar frá Metropolitan safninu í New York. Laugardaginn 22. september kl. 11 – 13 í Listasafni Íslands. Gestafyrirlesari er Jennifer Farrell, sýningarstjóri prent- og teiknideildar Metropolitan safnsins í New York.

Aðrir þátttakendur í pallborðinu verða Harpa Þórsdóttir, forstöðumaður Listasafns Íslands, Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson myndlistarmaður, Þóra Sigurðardóttir myndlistarmaður og Ingibjörg Jóhannsdóttir annar sýningarstjóra Ýmissa kvikinda líki - íslensk grafík. Fundarstjóri er Pari Stave listfræðingur og sýningarstjóri frá Metropolitan safninu. Hver er saga prentverka? Hvernig er þeim safnað í söfnum? Hvar eru þau sýnd, seld og markaðsett? Þetta eru meðal þeirra spurninga sem gestir pallborðsins munu velta fyrir sér en sýningin Ýmissa kvikinda líki – íslensk grafík gefur tilefni til þess að horfa á þennan miðil úr ýmsum áttum. Samræðurnar fara fram á ensku. Athugið að sýningunni lýkur á sunnudaginn.

Aðgangseyrir gildir. Ókeypis fyrir meðlimi Selmuklúbbsins.



Hér má sjá nánari upplýsingar um Jennifer Farrell, sýningarstjóra prent- og teiknideildar Metropolitan safnsins í New York

Jennifer Farrell is Associate Curator in the Department of Drawings and Prints at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. At the Met, she curated the exhibition World War I and the Visual Arts (for which she also produced the fall issue of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin), co-curated Workshop and Legacy: Stanley William Hayter, Krishna Reddy, and Zarina Hashmi and Picturing Math: Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints and collaborated on other exhibitions such as Wordplay: Matthias Buchinger's Drawings from the Collection of Ricky Jay, in addition to curating other focused displays and rotations and contributing to larger museum projects and exhibitions. Previously, she held curatorial positions at the Yale University Art Gallery, the Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia, and the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program. She has taught at several institutions (including Yale University, The American University of Paris, and The School of Visual Arts), lectured extensively, and authored numerous reviews, essays, and books, including serving as the lead author and editor for The History and Legacy of Samuel M. Kootz and the Kootz Gallery (2017), Lucian Freud: Etchings (2015), Suzanne McClelland STrAY: Found Poems from a Lost Time (2013), and Get There and Decide Promptly: The Richard Brown Baker Collection of Postwar Art (2012), which received a National Endowment for the Arts award and The Frick Collection's 2013 Book Prize for a Distinguished Publication in the History of Collecting in America. 

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